Monday, August 16, 2010

Swamped, but holding a dang cool outline

Swamped: that's me. Going under once, twice...

Part of the reason for this sad state? I am trying to finish a sabbatical proposal to write a book (a serious theological one this time...I know it's hard to believe, even for me, but I'm trained in contemporary systematic theology). As I was wringing my hands about the challenge of this on facebook, fb friends Dcn. Scott and Steve kindly came up with a title, marketing plan, and outline for me.

Title: The Irony of It All: ironically iconic systematic theology and other captivating tales
in eight volumes

Vol. I: God n'Stuff.

Vol. II: The Fat Church: Ecclesiology and You

Vol. III: Like Chocolate for Mysticism

Vol. IV: Fist Fights and Name-Calling: The Early Church Councils

Vol. V: Nominalism: What's in a Name?

Vol. VI: It's Not a Haunting, Its an Open Window: Pneumatology

Vol. VII: Defeasable Deontology: Hedging My Bets

Vol. VIII: It's a God! It's a Man! It's...Christology!

($2.99 ebook edition)

Tempting as this outline is, I'll be back when when I'm closer to done with the real proposal. By the way, that much more slender tome, Dear Communion of Saints, is still for sale, and Susan Thies just gave it the nicest review on Lulu. Thanks, Susan! You can buy it various places in print and electronically through the tab at the top of this page.

p.s. Thanks, guys!

2 the midrash:

CMinor said...

When you go to print, could you autograph me a copy of Vol. III? If there's chocolate involved, I'm in!

The Ironic Catholic said...

You got it!